January 2021

Volume 22, Number 1

January, 2021

The Oregon Whitewater Association brings private boaters together for the enjoyment of whitewater boating. Our vision is to promote whitewater safety and training for all of our membership in an effort to provide safety awareness and confidence when executing river rescue skills. OWA is the community of choice where fun and river adventures thrive and where people and rivers connect.

Photo of the Month

This month's featured photo is from a few years ago of a winter day of boating on the Upper Clack.  Do you think the Upper Clack misses the boaters as much as we miss her this year? This photo is Mark Tyree on Powerhouse Rapids taken by Greg Babikoff and submitted by Mark and Bee through the OWA Facebook group.   You can see all of the photos submitted this month at the end of the newsletter.

If you want to have your favorite river picture featured, send it to vicepresident-newsletter(at)oregonwhitewater.org. You can also submit pictures through Instagram or the OWA Facebook group.

Your OWA Officers and Volunteers

OWA Board of Directors

Scott Harvey, President
Steve Adams, Vice President - Events
Kimberly Long, Vice President - Newsletter
Steve Kasper, Secretary
Paul Vermilya, Treasurer
Steve Herring, Membership Director
Scott Ogren, Technology Director
Matt Saucy, Training Director

OWA Volunteers

Scott Harvey, Trip Editor
Cary Solberg, Advertising Editor
Scott Ogren, Webmaster
Kimberly Long, Newsletter Editor
Greetings fellow club members, As we leave the tumultuous year of 2020 in our rearview mirror, a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel starts to emerge. Covid vaccines are rolling out, which…

Next OWA Meeting

Meeting link will be sent out via H2OAddicts and posted in the OWA Facebook group

When:    January 13th, 2021, 6:30pm

Where:  via Zoom

What:  Freshwater Mussels

Who:   Celeste Searles Mazzacano

Hey OWA club members, we'll be kicking off the September club meeting this month at an outdoors location at Willamette Park in West Linn. The meeting area will be at the pavilion shelter near the corner of 12th St and Volpp in West Linn. There will be no formal speaker for this social gathering. Bring your own picnic blanket or camp chair and join the end of summer with fellow club members. There will be Flying Pie Pizza and refreshments such as bottled water and soda provided by the club. Note: West Linn Parks do not allow alcohol. However, what you bring into the park in your personal hydro flask is of your discretion. So please use good judgment.    
This year we are breaking with tradition and holding the holiday party on Tuesday (the venue was not available on Wednesday). The event room will be open to us at 5:30pm but food will not be served until 6:00. The club will provide pizza and salad for the event. There will be a cash bar in the event room. Please do not bring outside food, beverages, or other substances. Continue reading for more information about the Gift Exchange and Ugly Sweater contest . . .
Dr. Scott Burns, Professor Emeritus of Geology at Portland State University, will give a presentation on the Missoula Floods.
Dr. Scott Fisher is a faculty member in the University of Oregon Department of Physics where he teaches introductory-level astronomy courses and serves as the Director for Undergraduate Studies for the department. Scott is the Director of Pine Mountain Observatory, which is located about 30 miles east of Bend, OR in an area with some of the darkest skies left in the continental US. Scott previously worked at the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC
Read to learn more about Zach and his presentation to us on Wild and Scenic Rivers . . .
Physics of Whitewater: Gordon will talk to us about why the rivers we love are the way they are.  What is the science behind our favorite river features such as holes, standing waves, etc? Learn more about Gordon
Alex directs program funding activities for The Freshwater Trust. He has led the analysis, development and implementation of some of the first water quality trading programs in the Pacific Northwest. He has deep experience working directly with private and public entities to develop watershed restoration solutions for Clean Water Act compliance or to achieve voluntary conservation goals.
Snake River Odyssey - This presentation features Bryan Brown and his source-to-mouth descent of the Snake River.
This is a great time to bring your families out, update skills and get some refresher training from some extremely knowledgeable folks who have graciously donated their time. This is a club meeting and there is no cost associated
Will Volpert who is the owner of Indigo Creek Outfitters near Medford & Ashland will be giving a presentation on rivers in Southern Oregon & Northern California to run. A long time guide with many years of experience.
Joe Squire, a Las Vegas, Nevada native and a licensed Professional Civil Engineer; earned a Bachelor's degree in Geology and a Master's degree in Hydrogeology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Joe started his career in the mining industry where he was responsible for heavy earth moving operations and production. Subsequent to mining,

Do you know of a speaker for one of our monthly meetings?

Do you know someone engaging, entertaining, and full of knowledge who you would like to hear speak at a club meeting? Any club member who successfully connects OWA with a speaker for one of our meetings will be entered into a prize drawing for a $150 gift certificate to one of our sponsors. To discuss a potential speaker, email VicePresident-Events(at)oregonwhitewater.org.

12/22/2020 Hatchery to Leidl Campground 1500cfs - submitted by Alex Johnson Looking to explore a new river, try out what looked like a fairly close and simple day trip and shake off the quarantine…
Wintertime on the Washougal, Big Eddy to Hathaway Park at 7.5 feet. After a couple of days of good hard winter rains, numerous local rivers around the Portland/Vancouver area are normally roaring…

Stay safe and healthy on the river and be prepared for emergencies.

Do you have a trip coming up? OWA has two extensive Wilderness First Aid kits and AED’s that go on all club trips and are available for club members to take on private trips. You can check them out by sending an email to firstaid(at)oregonwhitewater.org

Recipe of the Month

Fresh or frozen granola bars - a perfect river snack. Submitted by Shannon Smejkal

Knot of the Month

Do you have something to share with the OWA community through the newsletter?

Do you want to share the tale of your latest multi-day rafting adventure or just the basics of your recent day run? Do you have a recipe your river friends must try? Is there other river-related content you want to share? Any club member who submits written content published in the newsletter will be entered into a prize drawing for a $150 gift certificate to one of our sponsors. To submit newsletter content or photos for our social media accounts, email VicePresident-Newsletter(at)oregonwhitewater.org.

Upcoming OWA Trips

The new website and trip calendar are under construction.  Stay tuned.  Soon the trip calendar will be mobile device friendly!  Until then, you can visit the trip calendar at the soon-to-be-old website.

Oregon Whitewater Association Trip Calendar

OWA has a Facebook group exclusively for members.  It is a great place to connect with other members to meet up at the river or exchange gear tips. Anyone can follow the OWA Instagram page. 

AWlogo.pngOWA is an affiliate member of American Whitewater.  OWA members receive a $10 discount off of individual membership.  American Whitewater is a national non-profit 501©(3) river conservation organization with a mission is to protect and restore America’s whitewater rivers and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.  Click the Logo to visit the AW website and learn more.

Enjoy these photos submitted for Photo of the Month.

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    Upper  Clackamas June 2020 submitted by Jared Linkhart

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    Surfing the SUP submitted by Kyle Dorfi

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    Submitted by Michael Moses

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    Submitted by Kyle Dorfi

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    Submitted by David Pauli

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     Owyhee 2017 by Jared Linkhart

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     IKs on the Molalla submitted by Kyle Dorfi

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    Grand Canyon submitted by Bernie Kosola

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    On the Canyon after a rainstorm by Leif Palmer

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    Submitted by Klye Dorfi

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    Driftboat on the Rogue by Aaron Helfrich

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    Driftboat on the Rogue by Aaron Helfrich